With mixed flow drying of corn as the example, the effect of air temperature, the initial seed moisture content, and initial seed germination rate on the seed germination rate loss are analyzed. 以混流式玉米干燥为例,利用该模型分析了气流温度、子初始水分以及初始发芽率等参数对干燥过程中发芽率损失速率的影响。
The drink was made from ground cacao seeds mixed with cold water, corn, and chili peppers. 这种饮料是由可可豆为主料,混入冷水、玉米粉和红辣椒粉。
Study on the Efficiency of Mixed Fermentation of Tomato Pomace with Reed 、 Alfalfa and Corn Straw 番茄渣分别与芦苇、苜蓿和玉米秸混合发酵效果研究
Effects of Mixed Silage from Potato Residues and Corn Stalks on Performance of Dairy Cows 马铃薯渣和秸秆混合青贮对奶牛生产性能的影响
The roughage was composed of mixed hay and corn straw silage and corn straw for all groups. The control was fed with basic concentrates, and the other two treatments were fed with basic concentrates added with 0.4% and 0.8% Chinese Medicinal Herbs additives. 各处理组的粗饲料相同,均由干草、玉米秸秆、玉米青贮构成,试验1组与试验2组的精饲料在对照组基础上分别添加0.4%与0.8%的中草药添加剂。
The characteristic temperature of maceral concentrates after demineralization becomes lower than respective original concentrates. The results showed that advance ignition and better burn out property when coal was mixed with corn stalk. 结果表明,玉米秸秆和煤相比具有较低的燃烧特征温度和较快的燃烧速率;在煤中加入玉米秸秆后,着火燃烧提前,同时可以获得更好的燃尽特性。
Research on Mixed Herbicide Technology in Zero Tillage Corn Field 免耕玉米田化学除草新混剂使用技术
Economical Analyses of Nitrogen-phosphorous Mixed Fertilizer of Corn 玉米氮、磷配施经济效益分析
The internal moisture distribution and process of dry and wet grain moisture transfer in drying phase of mixed dry and wet corn, wheat and rice were studied by using the tritium oxide labelled method. 用氚水示踪方法研究了玉米、小麦及水稻干湿粮混合干燥各阶段谷粒内部水分分布,及干湿粮水分传递过程。
Complex and Mixed Fertilizer by Modified Bentonite as Carrier for Increasing Production of Corn 改性膨润土载体复混肥对玉米的增产效应
The Influence of Mixed Concentrate Supplementation Level on Feed Conversion rate and Nitrogen Balance in Sheep Fed Dry Corn Stalk Based Diets 精料补饲水平对绵羊饲料利用效率和氮平衡的影响
With the law of reward decreasing progressively, we investigated the most beneficial result of quantitive applying nitrogen-phosphorous mixed fertilizer to corn 本文运用报酬递减律原理,对配方施肥进行效益最优化定量研究
Three hybrid yellow cattle fitted with rumen cannulas were fed with rice straw and mixed concentrates ( 1 ∶ 2) which was added with 0, 4% or 8% corn oil. 3头装有瘤胃瘘管的成年杂交黄牛,饲以加入0、4%或8%玉米油的稻草和精料混合料(2:1)。
The research on the mixed beverage of corn and bean 玉米和大豆复合饮料的研制
Study on mixed culture fermentation of Trichoderma and yeast for hydrolysis of corn straw 里氏木霉和酵母菌混合发酵玉米秸杆的研究
Qualitative and Quantitative determination of the adulterated binary system which was comprised of pure camellia oil samples mixed with various concentrations of soybean oil, corn oil and sunflower seed oil were researched by using near infrared spectroscopy. 研究了大豆油、玉米油、葵花籽油掺入到山茶油中的掺伪二元体系定性鉴别和定量测定。
The research based on the situation of the northern region designed monocropping and mixed planting experiments in order to obtain high yield and quality corn silage. 本研究结合黑龙江省北部地区的实际情况,以获得优质高产青贮玉米饲料为目标,设计了单播和混播两项试验。
Duck manure mixed with corn straw compost effect is better than with reed skin compost. 鸭粪与玉米秸秆混合堆肥效果优于鸭粪与芦苇皮混合堆肥。